Mint at home vs in office teeth whitening

Research Study: At-Home Vs. In-Office Teeth Whitening

This study compared the clinical outcome of bleaching techniques in vital teeth, including at-home bleaching with carbamide peroxide and in-office bleaching with hydrogen peroxide.
Study Summary:
Subjects were assigned to three treatment groups in a split-mouth study design: Group I: HB (at-home bleaching with carbamide peroxide for two weeks) vs OBL (in-office bleaching with more concentrated hydrogen peroxide, two sessions, two-week intervals, with light irradiation); Group II: OB (in-office bleaching without light irradiation) vs OBL; Group III: HB vs combination (one session plus HB). Color change and color rebound were measured for a 16-week period. After two weeks, HB alone resulted in similar color changes as OB, OBL and OBL+HB. OBL and OB resulted in higher sensitivity rates than HB.
The degree of bleaching obtained with the home-bleaching technique was similar to that obtained with the in-office technique. Higher sensitivity was observed with the in-office technique immediately after treatment compared to at-home treatments.  -Bernardon JK, Sartori N, Ballarin A, Perdigão J, Lopes GC, Baratieri LN. Clinical performance of vital bleaching techniques. Oper Dent. 2010;35(1):3-10. doi:10.2341/09-008CR
See full study here.
Shop Mint's At-Home Teeth Whitening Kit here.
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